Sunday, January 20, 2013

Last week quick review

I had wanted to do the same Friday review I had done last week, but it actually took a bit of time to do, so a modified recap before this week begins!

Homeschool Successes
My 15yo got a LOT of work done. She not only worked most of what time she had during the school day, but also did extra work most evenings. We'll have to be careful with this, but it is helping her catch up in math. She finished the one chapter and did her test on Friday, getting a 92%! Goal is to get the next unit done by this Friday so she can do the test on Friday and just have the final to do and a small project. We might still get her done before Feb. 1 yet.

My son got some more of Life of Fred done, read a bit in Sherlock Holmes (I don't want him to read too much at a time; just a couple of pages and then I have him tell me), has been playing basketball in his room and I can't remember what else. The plan this week is continue with that stuff but to start the TOPS unit, now that I have the corn starch we need. And play guitar with him at least once. He's better than I am (I really don't know how to play lol) but he really likes to practise with me rather than by himself.

What I've Been Up To
Lots of work on a new project: Vacations with the Kids! It's only in the beginning stages! Been learning a lot about affiliate marketing and spending a lot of time researching and working on getting the site set up the way I want. I am feeling determined to do what I can to not have to teach classes next year. I wouldn't mind one a week, but these three per week, plus picking up my nieces and nephew after school and my daughter's activities and just everything... Three's a little much.


That's it for now!

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