My 15-year old is quite behind in her math and we are trying to go through more of it and faster so she can finish before first semester is over. That, however, means stress and issues and combine that with tiredness and hunger... It was a rough morning.
Math done with, she decided to grab her laptop and check her school emails. Another falling apart ensued because a document she sent as part of an assignment wouldn't open. She'd done the assignment on her MacBook, saved the document as a .doc, but it now wouldn't open for the teacher. I sent it to my address and tried on different computers (um, yes, we have a number of computers in the house)--couldn't open it. She was a mess because it was just another stressor and thing to have to do. She started getting herself ready to redo it when she discovered part of what she needed was no longer there. Well, just add salt to the wound, why don't we?
It hit me that it was a .doc, she'd opened it in Pages on her MacBook and then saved it.
"How did you save it? Did you choose their option to save it as a Word document or did you just change the ending to .doc?"
"Just changed the ending to .doc. It works downstairs [on our Mac desktop] when changing image files."
I figured I knew what had happened: the conversion didn't take place. I renamed the document with a .pages ending and voilà (yes, that's how it's supposed to be spelled)! It opened, all her work was there, I saved a copy as a Word document, she sent it off and the crisis was averted, stress levels have gone down.
Have you been your child's superhero lately? What happened?
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