And then life happens. :P (You know what they say: Man plans and God laughs!)
One of my non-plans was ending up at my in-laws' lake property for a few days last week. It was a nice break from everything, but did leave me feeling like I wasn't getting "enough" done. So, I brought my little netbook along, a Sonlight
For social studies, I have decided to go with the Sonlight Core G theme--whether I will see if someone here has a used one they are willing to sell or if I will buy the guide just to have the sequence, I'm not sure yet. I don't want the whole package because I want way more French involved! I just need something sort of decided for me in terms of what to cover. Covering the Core G topics this year and Core H next year will give the overview of history and some research opportunities and such that I would like him to have. (At the same time, as I type all of this, I'm now feeling doubtful! ARGH. lol)
There was quite a bit in the CM books that was good or matched up with Montessori. Funny how the two women were so diametrically opposite in some ways and so similar in others. I have notes somewhere that I will type up and share soon, I hope.
Other than school plans and being out at the lake, we've had visitors from out of town this week. This has meant not getting anything done. lol. And then we are going camping next week... Pretty much 3 weeks of time that I hadn't kept in mind I wouldn't have! We are mostly home after that, so I hope to actually be able to do some of the things I had planned to do this summer!!